Picnic – Bring your Files!
Picnic is a revolutionary new collaborative file syncing application for Mac OS X to run on two or more Macs on a common local area network (LAN/WLAN).
It offers the ability to Create synced folders of files which are automatically synchronized between all users using Bonjour. Use it for syncing a workgroup's files or for syncing your personal files on all your computers.
As such, it offers an easier and safer alternative to file server based shared folders or network drives.
Compared to a regular network folder, Picnic's synchronized folders offer the following features:
No file server needed to setup, administer and maintain
No backup (server) needed as content of a synchronized folder is synced to several computer hard drives where they can be recovered easily (when needed).
Mobile or offline users automatically have access to the synchronized folders without being on the network
Mobile or offline users can modify files. Those changes are synced back to the other Picknic users as soon as a local network connection is re-established.
Coarse grained support for permissions. Apart from access control to the whole synchronized folder (all or nothing access). Picnic is meant for collaborating groups with little need for fine grained access control.
New synchronized folders can be created and published within seconds